Skillful Man Shifts 6-Cylinder Detroit Diesel Powered 1959 GMC Cannonball's Gears Like a Pro!

If you're familiar with only automatic transmissions then gear shifting in a manual vehicle can be a pain in the ass for you.

When you got the right techniques and experience, however, it becomes nothing but a piece of cake. It may take a couple of months to learn and practice it right, but just don't worry and think that many people aren't even capable of driving a manual transmission at all. The video we proudly present you right on this page today demonstrates us a cool guy shifting the gears of 1959 GMC Cannonball with Detroit six cylinder inline 2-cycle Diesel engine. As reported in the descriptions of the video, THE TRANSMISSION IS A 10 SPEED ROADRANGER. TOP SPEED OF THE TRUCK IS 65 MPH. He, as you also will see in the video, do a mixture of low range to high range, some double clutch and jake shifting. This Diesel sounds so cool that one can listen to it all day every day.

Check out the video to see how it's done and leave your comment below!