GREEK STYLE Land a Ferryboat

Since the ancient times, we humans are searching for possible ways to explore the seas and oceans.

Even huge waves, goose bumping storms, terrifying myths about sea monsters, losses, ship wrecks and all the bad things about seafaring haven't made us a far from discovering the mysterious but extremely dangerous world of seas. Throughout the history some civilizations like Ancient Greece came a long way in seafaring and scored so many historical victories in sea warfare, colonialism and fishery. In today's super exciting video, we're checking out the successors of these ancient people of the sea. Greeks were sailing in fierce waters when the rest of the world was still trying to figure lighting a fire. Watching the video you can see how these masters of the sea dock a ferry boat in Greece. We don't know the exact island on which this video was filmed, but it's apparent that these guys are doing this job for a long time. "This is how it's done" you will say after watching this amazing video and this is the exact reaction one should give against such a video!

Check the video and see how brave and ingenious they
are. When it comes to seafaring, Greeks are never the second!