110HP Case Steam Tractor Pull A Heavy Sled

We can mention Steam Tractor pull show where taking part in competition steam-powered tractors with 110 hp. Walk around, drive, action in motion, speed value, powerful performance with steam engine we can see in this video.

As we know steam tractor pulling is a competitive sport where vintage steam-powered tractors are used to pull a heavy sled. Nowadays steam tractor pulling is a niche activity. Typically take part vintage steam tractors, which are powered by steam engines. It was used 110 hp case for this tractor. This tractor had steam to spare, blowing the whistle and still venting extra steam near the front wheels. It wasn't even trying. This is really the best way to explain 110 Power and 5000 pound feet of torque, it will only go about 7 miles an hour, but will drag 50 tons doing it. Its wondering to see technology from 323 years ago still showing off and beating new technology in basic stuff.

If you are fond of steam tractor pulling, wondering about show and competition of steam-powered tractors this video might be useful for you. Have a nice trip and catching breath moments watching these powerful huge vehicles!